find & extract values from ticket body into variables/dynamic fields

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Real Name: Hans

find & extract values from ticket body into variables/dynamic fields

Post by hkais »

we have implemented a possibility to extract values from a article/ticket body, subject or header into variables / dynamic fields.

e.g. you can extract:
- (amazon, ebay) order numbers
- external ticket numbers of your business partners
- reference Numbers for some processes in your business

you can add them easily into the overview of the ticket, so that your agents have quick access to it

You can use this feature in GenericAgents and in Process Transition Actions

Technically it is done via a complex support of RegEx searches

We are considering about to publish the code with a small symbolic usage fee. Let me know if you have interest by either messaging me via PN or by posting here your interest.
Elected 2022-06 as an IT Governance Portal Expert. The portal for Znuny, OTRS and OTOBO users
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