Otrs no envia mail, despues de actualizacion.

Post Reply
Znuny newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: 23 Oct 2014, 15:31
Znuny Version: 2.4.1
Real Name: Horacio Rico
Company: La Rural S.A
Location: Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Otrs no envia mail, despues de actualizacion.

Post by horacio85 »

Hola, Buenos dias.

Hace unos dias me puse a actualizar el sistema, ya que estabamos usando la 2.3.1 con ITSM 1.2.3, esto esta corriendo desde el 2009.

Luego de seguir todos los pasos quedo instalado la version 2.4.1 con ITSM 2.0.3 Sobre un Debian.

El unico problema que se me presenta, es que no envia correos. (Ni notificaciones, ni respuestas, Nada), Ya probe la conexion a su respectivo puerto y me devuelve un OK.

Son 2 los mensajes de error que tira:

Thu Nov 27 10:41:07 2014 error OTRS-PMAccount-10 POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar - (este esta todo el tiempo, entiendo que cada vez que quiere mandar un mail o algo, tira este mensaje)

Thu Nov 27 10:40:08 2014 error OTRS-PMAccount-10 Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Nov 27 10:40:08 2014 error OTRS-PMAccount-10 Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.

Alguien tiene idea por donde puedo arrancar? para resolver este tema?

Muchas gracias!
Znuny superhero
Posts: 682
Joined: 29 May 2012, 22:47
Znuny Version: 6.0.24
Real Name: Klaus Salazar
Location: Perú

Re: Otrs no envia mail, despues de actualizacion.

Post by klausneil »

Saludos, lo primero que te pediria es que actives el debug del smtp aqui te paso este enlace http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/otrs/20 ... 12049.html en donde se detalla como y replicas el error y posteas los resultados
Znuny newbie
Posts: 4
Joined: 23 Oct 2014, 15:31
Znuny Version: 2.4.1
Real Name: Horacio Rico
Company: La Rural S.A
Location: Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Re: Otrs no envia mail, despues de actualizacion.

Post by horacio85 »

Gracias por la respuesta!

Estos son los datos que aparecen en var/log/apache2/error.log

Code: Select all

otrs:/var/log/apache2# tail -f error.log
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::Frontend::BulkFeatureJavaScriptAlert') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x1008c6d0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101387f0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101387f0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101387f0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Product') --> OTRS
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Product') --> OTRS
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Version') --> 2.4.1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Version') --> 2.4.1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PerformanceLog') --> 0
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CGILogPrefix') --> OTRS-CGI
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SystemID') --> 10
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultCharset') --> utf-8
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('LogModule') --> Kernel::System::Log::SysLog
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('LogModule::SysLog::Facility') --> user
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('LogSystemCacheSize') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultCharset') --> utf-8
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('WebMaxFileUpload') --> 16777216
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionName') --> Session
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionUseCookie') --> 1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultTheme') --> Standard
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZoneUser') --> 0
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultUsedLanguages') --> HASH(0x1003b570)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('LanguageDebug') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultUsedLanguages') --> HASH(0x1003b570)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Home') --> /opt/otrs
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPost') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterContent') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterText') --> HASH(0x10172208)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultTheme::HostBased') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TemplateDir') --> /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::ImagePath') --> /otrs-web/images/Standard/
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TemplateDir') --> /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseDSN') --> DBI:mysql:database=otrs2;host=;
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUser') --> otrs2
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabasePw') --> laruralTHotrs
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::SlowLog') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::Type') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultCharset') --> utf-8
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::ShellOutput') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::Type') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::Limit') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::DirectBlob') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::Attribute') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::QuoteSingle') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::QuoteBack') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::Connect') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Database::Encode') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTable') --> users
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTableUserID') --> id
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTableUserPW') --> pw
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTableUser') --> login
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('User::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTable') --> user_preferences
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTableKey') --> preferences_key
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTableValue') --> preferences_value
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTableUserID') --> user_id
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionModule') --> Kernel::System::AuthSession::DB
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SystemID') --> 10
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionTable') --> sessions
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionTableID') --> session_id
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionTableValue') --> session_value
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::CommonObject') --> HASH(0x10186370)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Queue::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTable') --> users
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTableUserID') --> id
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTableUserPW') --> pw
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DatabaseUserTableUser') --> login
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('User::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTable') --> user_preferences
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTableKey') --> preferences_key
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTableValue') --> preferences_value
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreferencesTableUserID') --> user_id
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerPreferences') --> HASH(0x1017d668)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerPreferences') --> HASH(0x1017d668)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerPreferences') --> HASH(0x1017d668)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerPreferences') --> HASH(0x1017d668)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerPreferences') --> HASH(0x1017d668)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser') --> HASH(0x1019b640)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser') --> HASH(0x1019b640)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser') --> HASH(0x1019b640)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser1') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser2') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser3') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser4') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser5') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser6') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser7') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser8') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser9') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser10') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerCompany') --> HASH(0x10180460)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SendmailModule') --> Kernel::System::Email::Sendmail
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('LoopProtectionModule') --> Kernel::System::PostMaster::LoopProtection::DB
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PostmasterMaxEmails') --> 40
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('GeneralCatalog::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Service::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('GeneralCatalog::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SLA::PreferencesModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::ViewableStateType') --> ARRAY(0x10039550)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::UnlockStateType') --> ARRAY(0x1010bf98)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::ViewableLocks') --> ARRAY(0x100422e0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::RichText') --> 1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::NumberGenerator') --> Kernel::System::Ticket::Number::DateChecksum
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::IndexModule') --> Kernel::System::Ticket::IndexAccelerator::RuntimeDB
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::StorageModule') --> Kernel::System::Ticket::ArticleStorageDB
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::SearchIndexModule') --> Kernel::System::Ticket::ArticleSearchIndex::RuntimeDB
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::CustomModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ArticleDir') --> /opt/otrs/var/article
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::CommonParam') --> HASH(0x10188ec8)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionMaxIdleTime') --> 15000
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SessionMaxTime') --> 57600
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x101862a0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZoneUser') --> 0
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('LanguageDebug') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultUsedLanguages') --> HASH(0x1003b570)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Home') --> /opt/otrs
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPost') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterContent') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterText') --> HASH(0x10172208)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultTheme::HostBased') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TemplateDir') --> /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::ImagePath') --> /otrs-web/images/Standard/
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TemplateDir') --> /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TimeZone') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PreApplicationModule') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x101862a0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x101862a0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::HeaderMetaModule') --> HASH(0x1003f990)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::Hook') --> Ticket#
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('FAQ::FAQHook') --> FAQ#
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Product') --> OTRS
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Product') --> OTRS
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Version') --> 2.4.1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Version') --> 2.4.1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('ProductName') --> Sistema de Ticket .......::La Rural::.......
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Secure::DisableBanner') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::NotifyModule') --> HASH(0x1003b430)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('SendmailModule') --> Kernel::System::Email::Sendmail
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Cache::Module') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TempDir') --> /opt/otrs/var/tmp
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Cache::Module') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('TempDir') --> /opt/otrs/var/tmp
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultCharset') --> utf-8
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultCharset') --> utf-8
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('DefaultCharset') --> utf-8
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x101862a0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::NavBarStyle::ShowSelectedArea') --> 1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::NavBarModule') --> HASH(0x1010c8c8)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::NavBarModule') --> HASH(0x1010c8c8)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::Responsible') --> 1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::ViewableStateType') --> ARRAY(0x10039550)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::ViewableStateType') --> ARRAY(0x10039550)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::NewMessageMode') --> ArticleLastSender
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::Watcher') --> 0
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x101862a0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser') --> HASH(0x1019b640)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser1') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser2') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser3') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser4') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser5') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser6') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser7') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser8') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser9') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('CustomerUser10') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::NavBarStyle') --> Modern
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Ticket::Frontend::BulkFeatureJavaScriptAlert') --> <undefined>
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Module') --> HASH(0x101862a0)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Frontend::Output::FilterElementPre') --> HASH(0x101e9400)
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Product') --> OTRS
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Product') --> OTRS
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Version') --> 2.4.1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('Version') --> 2.4.1
Debug: Config.pm ->Get('PerformanceLog') --> 0
Y estos son los que siguen apareciendo en Syslog.

Code: Select all

Dec  4 09:30:35 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:30:36 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:31:01 otrs /USR/SBIN/CRON[8313]: (root) CMD (/opt/otrs/bin/PostMasterMailbox.pl)
Dec  4 09:31:02 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8313]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:31:02 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8313]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:32:01 otrs /USR/SBIN/CRON[8319]: (root) CMD (/opt/otrs/bin/PostMasterMailbox.pl)
Dec  4 09:32:06 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8319]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:32:06 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8319]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:33:01 otrs /USR/SBIN/CRON[8326]: (root) CMD (/opt/otrs/bin/PostMasterMailbox.pl)
Dec  4 09:33:11 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8326]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Y estos son los que aparecen en messenges

Code: Select all

Dec  4 09:20:07 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8201]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendAgentNotification] Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx'.
Dec  4 09:20:07 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8201]: [Notice][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch] POP3S: Fetched 1 email(s) from mesadeayuda/svrsii.la-rural.com.ar.
Dec  4 09:30:02 otrs OTRS-GenericAgent-10[8302]: [Notice][Kernel::System::GenericAgent::JobRun] Run GenericAgent Job 'EliminaTicketsbasura' from db.
Dec  4 09:30:33 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate] New Ticket [2014120410000023/tst 09:29] created (TicketID=23191,Queue=Sistemas::Telefonia,Priority=3 normal,State=new)
Dec  4 09:30:34 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendAgentNotification] Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx'.
Dec  4 09:30:34 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Notice][Kernel::System::Ticket::Article::SendAgentNotification] Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx'.

Y esto figura en la parte de "Trazas del sistema"

Code: Select all

Thu Dec 4 09:30:33 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	New Ticket [2014120410000023/tst 09:29] created (TicketID=23191,Queue=Sistemas::Telefonia,Priority=3 normal,State=new)
Thu Dec 4 09:30:05 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:30:02 2014 	notice 	OTRS-GenericAgent-10 	Run GenericAgent Job 'EliminaTicketsbasura' from db.
Thu Dec 4 09:29:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:29:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:28:03 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:28:03 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:27:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:27:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:26:03 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:26:03 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:25:28 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:25:28 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:24:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:24:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:23:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:23:02 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:22:05 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:22:05 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:21:09 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:21:09 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:20:08 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	POP3S: Fetched 1 email(s) from mesadeayuda/svrsii.la-rural.com.ar.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'xxxxxx@xxxxxx'.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx'.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx'.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Sent agent 'NewTicket' notification to 'mbarba@larural.com.ar'.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	error 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Can't use string ("'givenname','sn','sAMAccountName") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Convert/ASN1/_encode.pm line 269.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Sent auto response (SendAutoReply) for Ticket [2014120410000014] (TicketID=23190, ArticleID=110615) to '"xxxxxxxxxx" <xxxxxx@xxxxxx>'.
Thu Dec 4 09:20:07 2014 	notice 	OTRS-PMAccount-10 	Sent email to '"xxxxxxxxx" <xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx>' from 'Mesa de Ayuda <mesadeayuda@xxxxxxxxxx>'. HistoryType => SendAutoReply, Subject => Re: [Ticket#2014120410000014] Su requerimiento de soporte ha sido registrado;
Esto ya me esta quemando la cabeza... ya no se que mas tocar, y hay muy poca informacion en internet sobre este error...

Znuny superhero
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Re: Otrs no envia mail, despues de actualizacion.

Post by klausneil »

horacio85 wrote:Y estos son los que siguen apareciendo en Syslog.

Code: Select all

Dec  4 09:30:35 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
Dec  4 09:30:36 otrs OTRS-PMAccount-10[8299]: [Error][Kernel::System::MailAccount::POP3S::Fetch][Line:113]: POP3S: Can't connect to svrsii.la-rural.com.ar
 Después de ver ese mensaje lo primero que te pediria es que verifiques se puede acceder a la cuenta POP3 mediante un telnet he ingresando con tus credenciales, ya tuve un problema similar y era netamente problemas de correo y no del sistema, quees al parecer tu caso.
Znuny newbie
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Re: Otrs no envia mail, despues de actualizacion.

Post by horacio85 »

El telenet funciona perfectamente, probe con mi cuenta y con todas las que utiliza el OTRS... es un misterio... estoy pensando en seguir actualizando a ver si con una version mas nueva e problema se resuelve.

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