Query scaled entries

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Query scaled entries

Post by davidferia »


I have not solved a problem for some time, I can not show through mysql the tickets that have been scaled.

I need it to show it in Grafana.

The query that I created is the following:

Code: Select all

T.title AS Ticket,
T.customer_id AS Cliente,
E.name AS Servicio,

DATE_FORMAT((T.create_time + INTERVAL S.first_response_time MINUTE),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%I:%S') as "Escalado",

S.solution_time AS SLA_SOLUCION,

(case when (S.first_response_time = 0) then 0 else dif_sla_respuesta(T.id,Z.escalation_response_time,T.ticket_state_id) end/60) AS SLA_Respuesta,
(case when (S.solution_time = 0) then 0 else dif_sla_solucion(T.id,Z.escalation_solution_time,T.ticket_state_id) end/60) AS Tiempo_Solucion,

((S.solution_time) - (case when (S.solution_time = 0) then 0 else dif_sla_solucion(T.id,Z.escalation_solution_time,T.ticket_state_id) end/60)) AS Tiempo_Trabajado

FROM ticket T
INNER JOIN service E on (E.id = T.service_id)
INNER JOIN sla S on (S.id = T.sla_id) 
INNER JOIN queue B on (B.id = T.queue_id)
INNER JOIN ticket_state X on (X.id = T.ticket_state_id)
INNER JOIN ticket_state_type Y on (Y.id = X.type_id)
INNER JOIN zz_reg_escalacion_ticket Z on (Z.ticket_id = T.id)
where Y.id = 3 and customer_id = 'Prueba' 
S.first_response_time != 0

It does not show the results well, in "Time Solution" there are tickets in negative but the ticket is not scaled.

I would appreciate your help.

Thanks greetings.
Last edited by davidferia on 19 Jun 2019, 10:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Query scaled entries

Post by root »


Don't use SQL for queries with time-related values, except you are willing to ignore the calendar used in OTRS. Create a report in OTRS as CSV and re-import this into a database of your choice to access the data you need.

- Roy
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