LDAP Auth for agents and customers

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LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

Hello everyone.
I have an AD server where I created two groups:
  • HelpdeskAgents
  • HelpdeskCustomers
I am a member of both groups and all the domain users are members of the HelpdeskCustomers group.

I am having two problems after configuring LDAP authentication
  • My user does not appear in the agents list
  • In the users' list I see users who are not members of HelpdeskCustomers (it is reading everything under OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan')
Here is my LDAP configuration (Can someone please tell me if something is wrong?):

Code: Select all

     # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                      LDAP Auth                       #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #   

    $Self->{'AuthModule1'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host1'} = 'DomainController';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN1'} = 'dc=domain,dc=lan';    

    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID1'} = 'samaccountname';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN1'} = 'CN=HelpdeskAgents,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr1'} = 'member';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr1'} = 'DN';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN1'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=US,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan'; 
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw1'} = '**********';    

         $Self->{'UserSyncLDAPMap1'} =  {
         'UserEmail' => 'mail',
         'UserFirstname' => 'givenName',
         'UserLastname' => 'sn',
         'UserLogin' => 'sAMAccountName'

    #                      Customer                             #
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule1'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host1'} = 'DomainController';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN1'} ='OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID1'} = 'sAMAccountName';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN1'} = 'CN=HelpdeskCustomers,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr1'} = 'member';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN1'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=US,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw1'} = '**********';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Params1'} = {
           port => 389,
           timeout => 120,
           async => 0,
           version => 3,
    #                    LDAP System Users                      #
    $Self->{'AuthModule1'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host1'} =  'DomainController';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN1'} =  'DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID1'} =  'sAMAccountName';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN1'} =  'CN=ldapbind,OU=US,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw1'} =  '**********';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Params1'} =  {
          'async' => '0',
          'timeout' => '120',
          'version' => '3',
          'port' => '389'

    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Die1'} = 1;
    #                    UserSyncLDAPMap                        #

    $Self->{'UserSyncLDAPMap1'} =  {
      'UserEmail' => 'mail',
      'UserFirstname' => 'givenName',
      'UserLastname' => 'sn',
      'UserLogin' => 'sAMAccountName'

    $Self->{CustomerUser1} = {
    Name => 'LDAP Backend',
    Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
    Params => {
       Host => 'DomainController',
       BaseDN => 'DC=domain,DC=lan', 
       SSCOPE => 'sub',
       UserDN => 'CN=ldapbind,OU=US,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan',
       UserPw => '**********',    

    AlwaysFilter =>  '(&(objectclass=user)(mail=*.*@domain.com))',

    CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
    CustomerID => 'mail',
    CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
    CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
    CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 1000,    

        Map => [
        [ 'UserSalutation', 'Title', 'title', 1, 0, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'mail', 0, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                  End LDAP Auth                       #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
Last edited by albercuba on 23 Oct 2018, 11:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 18 Dec 2007, 12:23
Znuny Version: Znuny and Znuny LTS
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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by root »


Do you get any related entries in the logs? Make sure the LogLevel ist debug.

- Roy
Znuny and Znuny LTS running on CentOS / RHEL / Debian / SLES / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / OpenLDAP / Active Directory / SSO

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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

I have it in debug mode but in my syslog (my log module is Kernel::System::Log::SysLog) I see nothing unusual.

Can I somehow force LDAP sync to see if the logs show something?
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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by root »


Looks like you do not have a AuthSyncModule configuration. The setting UserSyncLDAPMap1 is unknown to me, check the Defauls.pm for examples.

- Roy
Znuny and Znuny LTS running on CentOS / RHEL / Debian / SLES / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / OpenLDAP / Active Directory / SSO

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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

So, I modified my LDAP configuration and I still get the same results.

I also installed Net::LDAP

Code: Select all

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Net::LDAP'
This is the configuration:

Code: Select all

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                      LDAP AUTH                       #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    # LDAP Backend
    $Self->{AuthModule} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'domaincontroller';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'DC=domain,dc=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'samaccountname';

    # Check if the user is allowed to auth in a posixGroup
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} = 'CN=HelpdeskAgents,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = '**********';
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # Authentication sync settings                        #
    # (enable agent data sync. after succsessful          #
    # authentication)                                     #
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # (take care that Net::LDAP is installed!)
    $Self->{AuthSyncModule} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::Sync::LDAP';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'domaincontroller';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'DC=domain,dc=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'samaccountname';

    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = '**********';

    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncMap'} = {
        # DB -> LDAP
        UserFirstname => 'givenName',
        UserLastname  => 'sn',
        UserEmail     => 'mail',
        UserLogin     => 'sAMAccountName'

    # Net::LDAP new params
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Params'} = {
        port    => 389,
        timeout => 120,
        async   => 0,
        version => 3,

    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncInitialGroups'} = [

    # Sync LDAP groups to OTRS groups
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition'} = {
        # ldap group
        'CN=HelpdeskAgents,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan' => {
            # otrs group
            'admin' => {
                # permission
                rw => 1,
                ro => 1,
            'faq' => {
                rw => 0,
                ro => 1,
        'CN=HelpdeskCustomers,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan' => {
            'users' => {
                rw => 1,
                ro => 1,
    # Customer authentication settings #

    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'domaincontroller';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'ou=myiuser,DC=domain,dc=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'samaccountname';

    # Check if the user is allowed to auth in a posixGroup
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} = 'CN=HelpdeskCustomers,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';

    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = '**********';

        $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Params'} = {
        port    => 389,
        timeout => 120,
        async   => 0,
        version => 3,

    $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
    Name => 'LDAP Backend',
    Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
    Params => {
       Host => 'domaincontroller',
       BaseDN => 'DC=domain,DC=lan',
       SSCOPE => 'sub',
       UserDN => 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan',
       UserPw => '**********',
       AlwaysFilter =>  '(&(objectclass=user)(mail=*.*@intimus.com))',

    CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
    CustomerID => 'mail',
    CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
    CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
    CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 1000,

        Map => [
        [ 'UserSalutation', 'Title', 'title', 1, 0, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'mail', 0, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],

    # UserTable
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTable}       = 'users';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTableUserID} = 'id';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTableUserPW} = 'pw';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTableUser}   = 'login';

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                    End LDAP Auth                     #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
Znuny newbie
Posts: 21
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Znuny Version: OTRS 6.0
Real Name: Alberto Valdes
Company: International

Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

So, after a bit more editing I can confirm that only the members of HelpdeskCustomers can login as customers and the members of HelpdeskAgents can login as agents.

But in my user's list I can see lot's of account that I do not want there. And they are not members of HelpdeskCustomers or HelpdeskAgents

My code so far:

Code: Select all

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                      LDAP AUTH                       #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #    
    # LDAP Backend
    $Self->{AuthModule} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'domaincontroller';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'ou=myiuser,DC=domain,dc=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'samaccountname';

    # Check if the user is allowed to auth in a posixGroup
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} = 'CN=HelpdeskAgents,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = '**********';
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # Authentication sync settings                        #
    # (enable agent data sync. after succsessful          #
    # authentication)                                     #
    # --------------------------------------------------- #
    # (take care that Net::LDAP is installed!)
    $Self->{AuthSyncModule} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::Sync::LDAP';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'domaincontroller';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'ou=myiuser,DC=domain,dc=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'samaccountname';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = '**********';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncMap'} = {
        # DB -> LDAP
        UserFirstname => 'givenName',
        UserLastname  => 'sn',
        UserEmail     => 'mail',
        UserLogin     => 'sAMAccountName'

    # Net::LDAP new params
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::Params'} = {
        port    => 389,
        timeout => 120,
        async   => 0,
        version => 3,

    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN';

    # Sync LDAP groups to OTRS groups
    $Self->{'AuthSyncModule::LDAP::UserSyncGroupsDefinition'} = {
        # ldap group
        'CN=HelpdeskAgents,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan' => {
            # otrs group
            'admin' => {
                # permission
                rw => 1,
                ro => 1,
            'faq' => {
                rw => 0,
                ro => 1,
        'CN=HelpdeskCustomers,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan' => {
            'users' => {
                rw => 1,
                ro => 1,
    # Customer authentication settings #

    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = 'domaincontroller';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'samaccountname';

    # Check if the user is allowed to auth in a posixGroup
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} = 'CN=HelpdeskCustomers,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';

    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = '**********';
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Params'} = {
        port    => 389,
        timeout => 120,
        async   => 0,
        version => 3,

    $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
    Name => 'LDAP Backend',
    Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
    Params => {
       Host => 'domaincontroller',
       BaseDN => 'OU=MYIuser,DC=domain,DC=lan',
       SSCOPE => 'sub',
       UserDN => 'CN=ldapbind,OU=DE,OU=MYIUser,DC=domain,DC=lan',
       UserPw => '**********',
       AlwaysFilter =>  '',

    CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
    CustomerID => 'mail',
    CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
    CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
    CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 1000,

        Map => [
        [ 'UserSalutation', 'Title', 'title', 1, 0, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'mail', 0, 1, 'var' ],
        [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],

    # UserTable
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTable}       = 'users';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTableUserID} = 'id';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTableUserPW} = 'pw';
    $Self->{DatabaseUserTableUser}   = 'login';

    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
    #                    End LDAP Auth                     #
    # ---------------------------------------------------- #
Posts: 3963
Joined: 18 Dec 2007, 12:23
Znuny Version: Znuny and Znuny LTS
Real Name: Roy Kaldung
Company: Znuny

Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by root »


The Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN1 setting just restrict who is allowed to login. Adjust the AlwaysFilter in your CustomerUser setting to your needs.

- Roy
Znuny and Znuny LTS running on CentOS / RHEL / Debian / SLES / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / OpenLDAP / Active Directory / SSO

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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

Is that the only solution?

I don't have any field to differentiate between normal users and services users.

By services users I mean accounts I use for maintenance tasks and don't belong to any real user
Posts: 3963
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Znuny Version: Znuny and Znuny LTS
Real Name: Roy Kaldung
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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by root »


Just setup the value for AlwaysFilter, at least if you use an Active Directory it's possible.

You don't need a dedicated field to differentiate, maybe service user don't have a mail address or location? Is there any OU in the LDAP tree where you distinguish between regular user and service users?

- Roy
Znuny and Znuny LTS running on CentOS / RHEL / Debian / SLES / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / OpenLDAP / Active Directory / SSO

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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

Omg I feel so stupid now.

It was as simple as adding:

Code: Select all

AlwaysFilter =>  '(&(objectclass=user)(memberof=CN=HelpdeskCustomers,OU=HelpdeskSystem,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=lan))',
But I couldn't find that in the Defaults.pm file
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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by root »

Znuny and Znuny LTS running on CentOS / RHEL / Debian / SLES / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / OpenLDAP / Active Directory / SSO

Use a test system - always.

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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

Yes, but the memberof part, I couldnt find. But that's my fault.

Thanks :)
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Re: LDAP Auth for agents and customers

Post by albercuba »

How do I close a topic?
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