setup 2 emails for separate tickets

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setup 2 emails for separate tickets

Post by tpham »

After trying over and over to get AD to work with OTRS, I finally gave up. Since then, we have been taking user emails and forwarding them to helpdesk to create tickets. Eventually we will have users email helpdesk directly. I have 2 questions regarding this..

1. Can I setup 2 separate emails with OTRS so that tickets that are emailed to a specific email, go to specific queues? Currently, all tickets are being email/forwarded to helpdesk@otrs. This creates a generic ticket without any type, queue, service etc etc. Is it possible to assign those attributes to an emailed ticket?

2. I would like to add another view on the Dashboard for other tickets. We would like a 2nd email for all our voice recording requests (CSRs request this daily). I would want this email requests to go to a "Call Center" specific queue. I would also like to have that queue show on the Dashboard. Is this possible?

I am running on 2.4

Thanks in advance!
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Re: setup 2 emails for separate tickets

Post by renee »

WRT 1)

Either your mail account has to handle two mailaddresses or you need a second mail account. The handling of mail addresses is not configured in OTRS but in your mail system.

If you have a second mail account, you need to add the second one in the Admin area of OTRS (Admin -> PostMaster Mail Accounts). When you add/edit the mail account, you can configure the dispatching. So you can set dispatching to "by selected queue" and select the queue to which all tickets created for this mail account are assigned to.

If you have a single mail account that handles two mail addresses, you have to add both mail addresses as system addresses (Admin -> Email addresses) and assign a queue to these addresses. In the mail account settings, you have to set the dispatching to "by To:".

If you have only the "helpdesk@otrs" account and only this mail address, you have to figure out what the criteria is on which you can decide to which queue the ticket should be assigned. Then you have to create a PostMaster filter that can handle that.

WRT 2)

I do not understand what you want to do. Can you describe it more detailed?
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